What Shoe Sanitizer Does A Podiatrist Recommend?

When it comes to the maintenance of healthy feet, it is not sufficient to simply choose the appropriate footwear; it is also required to take preventative measures to avoid infections and to support overall foot hygiene.

Sanitising shoes has garnered a lot of attention in recent years, with podiatrists noting the role that they play in preventing the spread of bacteria and fungi. Sanitising shoes is an important step in preventing the transmission of these pathogens.

When we are travelling through a world in which the health of our feet is of the utmost significance, we must have a good understanding of the shoe sanitisers that are recommended by podiatrists.

Within this article, we take a look at the recommendations that podiatrists have for effective shoe sanitisers, and we also look at the expert insights that they have to offer.

These suggestions have been shared to your attention. The objective of these goods is to effectively cure common foot-related issues while simultaneously providing your feet with an environment that is both comfortable and sanitary.

These solutions make an effort to remove unpleasant odours and to protect against illnesses by taking preventative steps. This article will explain the best shoe sanitisers that podiatrists recommend, as well as how these products can enhance the overall health of your feet. In addition, we will address the importance of using these products.

What Shoe Sanitizer Does A Podiatrist Recommend?

Sanitisers for shoes that are gentle on the feet and successfully eradicate bacteria, fungi, and odours are frequently recommended by podiatrists. These are some of the shoe sanitisers that podiatrists typically offer to their patients:


  • How it works: SteriShoe uses ultraviolet (UV) light to kill bacteria, fungi, and viruses inside shoes.
  • Podiatrist’s view: Many podiatrists appreciate the effectiveness of UV light in sanitizing shoes, as it can reach areas that may be challenging to clean with traditional methods.

Lysol Disinfectant Spray

  • How it works: Lysol is a widely used disinfectant spray that kills various germs and fungi.
  • Podiatrist’s view: Some podiatrists recommend using a disinfectant spray like Lysol to sanitize the inside of shoes, especially for those prone to fungal infections.

Shoe Deodorizing Balls

  • How they work: These are small, portable balls often filled with natural deodorizing agents like cedar or activated charcoal.
  • Podiatrist’s view: Podiatrists may suggest these as a preventive measure for controlling shoe odours and maintaining a fresh environment for the feet.

Natural Shoe Deodorizers

  • How they work: Some podiatrists recommend natural alternatives like tea tree oil or essential oil-based sprays to combat bacteria and fungi.
  • Podiatrist’s view: These options are considered by some as gentler alternatives, particularly for individuals with sensitive skin.

Antifungal Shoe Sprays

  • How they work: These sprays often contain antifungal agents like clotrimazole or miconazole to prevent fungal growth.
  • Podiatrist’s view: Podiatrists may recommend antifungal shoe sprays for individuals prone to fungal infections or those who have recently recovered from such conditions.

It’s worth noting that different people may experience different foot issues and sensitivities. Based on each patient’s unique requirements, podiatrists may provide personalised advice.

To promote general foot health, it is recommended to use shoe sanitisers in conjunction with proper foot hygiene practises including washing and drying feet regularly, rotating shoes, and selecting moisture-wicking socks. For guidance tailored to your specific foot care needs, it’s best to see a podiatrist.

What Kills Toenail Fungus In Shoes?

Eliminating the fungi and stopping them from returning are the two main goals of a shoe fungus treatment plan. Listed below are several approaches and items that might be useful:

  • Antifungal Sprays: There are specialized antifungal sprays designed for shoes. These sprays typically contain ingredients like clotrimazole or miconazole, which are known to combat fungal growth. Apply the spray inside the shoes and allow them to dry thoroughly.
  • Tea Tree Oil: Tea tree oil has natural antifungal properties. Mix a few drops of tea tree oil with a carrier oil, such as coconut oil, and apply the mixture inside the shoes. Leave it to dry completely before wearing the shoes again.
  • UV Shoe Sanitizers: UV shoe sanitisers, like SteriShoe, use ultraviolet light to kill bacteria and fungi inside shoes. These devices can be placed inside the shoes for a designated period to ensure thorough sanitation.
  • Freezing: Fungi thrive in warm and moist environments. Freezing your shoes can help kill the fungi. Seal your shoes in a plastic bag and place them in the freezer overnight. The extreme cold can kill the fungus. However, this method may not be suitable for all types of shoes, so check with the shoe manufacturer’s recommendations.
  • Baking Soda: Baking soda has antifungal properties and can help eliminate odours. Sprinkle baking soda inside the shoes and leave it overnight. Shake out the excess powder before wearing the shoes again.
  • Cedar Shoe Inserts: Cedar has natural antifungal properties and can help absorb moisture. Insert cedar shoe inserts into your shoes when you’re not wearing them to control fungal growth and minimize odours.
  • Rotate Shoes: Give your shoes time to air out by rotating them. Avoid wearing the same pair every day to prevent the buildup of moisture and create a less favourable environment for fungal growth.
  • Wash and Dry Feet Thoroughly: Practicing good foot hygiene is crucial. Wash your feet daily, making sure to clean between the toes. Dry your feet thoroughly, including the spaces between the toes, before putting on socks and shoes.

If your toenail fungus continues to develop despite your best efforts to treat it on your own, you should consult a podiatrist or a healthcare professional for personalised advice and, in more severe cases, treatment of the condition.

Additionally, if the shoes you have are old and extremely contaminated, you should consider purchasing new shoes because it may be difficult to complete the disinfection process on them.


When dealing with toenail fungus in shoes, it is necessary to take a holistic approach to eradicate the current fungi and prevent these fungi from returning.

The use of antifungal sprays and natural therapies such as tea tree oil, as well as UV shoe sanitisers and freezing techniques, are some of the different approaches that may be utilised to guarantee that shoes are thoroughly cleaned.

The severity of the fungal infection and the preferences of the individual should both be taken into consideration when selecting a treatment or combination of many methods.

Maintaining appropriate foot hygiene practises, such as washing and thoroughly drying the feet, as well as implementing preventative measures, like as rotating shoes and using cedar inserts, can be a useful addition to the efforts that are being made to remove toenail fungus.

In addition, it is recommended to seek the advice of a healthcare expert or a podiatrist, particularly in cases that are persistent or severe. These professionals can offer individualised advice and, if necessary, prescribe medications to treat the fungal infection.

In the management of toenail fungus, it is important to keep in mind that consistency is essential, both in terms of treating the infection and in terms of applying preventative measures. Individuals can contribute to the overall health and well-being of their feet by taking a proactive approach to foot care and shoe cleaning.

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